Sunday, June 24, 2012

Youssef Dawoud ♥

I’ve met this man once, he was a patient in the hospital that I work for, I loved his character on the screen but honestly I got astonished of that magical smile and non-ending talks that inspire all around him even me.
Really it’s so weird feeling that some people passes into our lives like a river, they are so calm and has a charming character and makes us just smiled and has some deep hope in our coming days.
God rest that soul in peace and support his family patience.

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." 
~ Marcel Proust

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Nasr City (Jun 23, 2012)

Uncompleted JOY, but don't even think to use my tongue to get something you JUST need..I've the right to SHOUT ON you to stop doing this!!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

مش منيح

كل ما تسألني كيفك
بتذكر إني مش منيح
يعني بتعرف.. لو بلاه هالسؤال
أوميلي بإيدك بس تلتقي فيّ كون ممنونك
يعني لإنه صراحة أنا مش منيح
بس معقول تقول لي كيفك
وقل لك مش منيح؟
بدك موضوع من غيمة أنت
إذا سمعت إني مش منيح بدك تسألني ليه
وخد بقى إذا خبرتك ليه
ما بعود بس مش منيح
بتصير حالتي تتدهور أنا وعم برويلك
تركني خيي أنا بيني وبين حالي ماشي
ع أساس ياللا منيح ماشي الحال
ماشي أنا والحال
كيف الحال
كيفني أنا
وأكيد مش منيح
بس أنا مظبطها مرجلجها
وما بفكر فيها
ولا مرة سألت حالي ع العالي
كيفك منيح
وهالأيام ماشية
سيبا بهمها يا أخي
وخلينا نسلم بالوما

Monday, June 18, 2012

What's right for you

"You can't live your life for other people. You've got to do what's right for you, even if it hurts some people you love." 
— Nicholas Sparks (The Notebook)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Heba ♥ Ahmed

Yesterday I deeply felt the taste of happiness when I saw that brighty eyes dancing and singing the song of love...
I felt like I'm too happy, really sharing friends' best moments makes your life better

May God always pour his love, warmth and care on both of you. Always stay in love. Congratulations my lovely friends Heba & Ahmed J