Thursday, October 25, 2012

Live my life and then judge me!!

I do deeply believe that we all born as pure as the dawn that turns into a day full of bad and good events.

There is a tragedy behind every dictatorial story, there are causes make all vague behaviors become reasonable somehow, there are circumstances that we don't know and might we won’t ever know, there are liars spread the talk, and there are bad listeners too, that's why I used to get some sympathy with most of people that I've met or even who I read about them.
Some May be don't know all things about the unfair life or suffering, we all still learning how to live anyway.

I want to live with the concept of not judging anyone; we all need to open the ears widely to listen. We all have emotional and mental gifts that helping us in listening and either accept or refuse... but not judging...we are not Gods!!!

Yesterday I attend a play about "Nero" who burned Rome but from another perspective of the director, honestly I sympathized with the psychological struggle of the character. That makes me ask myself "Why do we have the right to judge people they are bad or good?! Are we like him when he had thought himself a God?!"


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